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What's Your Story?

Picture yourself stepping into the lively atmosphere of a bustling simcha. As you mingle at the shmorg, you spot a familiar face—the donor whose support fuels your organization.

Amidst the hugs and warm greetings, they pose a simple yet meaningful question: "How's it going with your organization?"

This is more than just small talk. It's a golden opening to lift a donor through this interaction.

How do you do that?

Consider what this donor might really be asking…

An innocent question “How’s it going…?” is an opportunity to fulfill a fundamental need for the donor.

Remember what all donors want - whether they say it or not - is the affirmation that they made the right choice to support you. And the recognition that they’re a part of the success you’ve seen.

And now, this donor is giving you the platform to share a birds eye view into your organization's challenges and triumphs.

You have about 30 seconds. Sometimes more. How can you make the most of these precious moments to stand out?

Seize the opportunity and share a meaningful story of success. By doing so, you not only uplift your donor, but you bind him into your mission one notch tighter.

Here is an example...

This gvir asks you, “How’s it going in the cheder?”

You respond,

“Ah, thank you for asking. Baruch Hashem so well—Just last Thursday, Mincha was coming to an end and I saw a crowd of talmidim gathered around the Bima.

I joined to see what was going on.

Three 7th grade boys were lined up by their Rebbe. One after the next, each boy said over the last part of Perek Hamafkid by heart.

Then everyone in the Bais Medrash broke out in lively dancing. I was looking at these boys and their faces were shining with a brightness that can only come through Torah.

It’s an example of the constant battle our rebbeim face - how to build a focused environment of shteiging in a world with so many outside distractions.

This story shows how it is so possible and you have a real part to play in this success. It’s your support that makes this happen.

A big yishikoach for all you are doing for the cheder.”

Step 1:

Find a compelling story that shows how your organization is overcoming a challenge. What is the main message you want the story to convey?

Step 2:

Take less than 7 minutes to write out the story as a first draft. Write with one donor in mind. Next edit the story and make the donor a part of this success, like in our example above.

Step 3:

Speak out what you’ve written. Edit and refine it as you hear yourself telling it over.

Step 4:

Now practice telling the story and solicit feedback from others. Practice it a few times and you should be ready to use it in your next donor interaction.

Have a most successful week,


P.S Thanks to R' Yitzchok Krausz of Cheder D'Monsey for this great story!

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