• Raising funds can often feel

    like a relentless uphill struggle...

    But it doesn't have to be this way 

  • I understand the challenge of raising funds

    Using my 'HighRaise' fundraising system

    175+ leaders successfully guided

    to breakthrough to reach

    ambitious goals - and beat them

  • Why Coach with Avraham?

    Raise More - Do More

    Fundraising challenged?


    If you can't manage all your fundraising - you don't quite know how to get it all done.


    If only you had a system for fundraising - then finally it would become manageable.


    If you had someone to hold you accountable - you know that would be the push you need.

    Raise More?


    Avraham, will give you a personalized system, to power your best efforts.


    You'll know what to do next. And how best to do it.


    You'll have focus and be accountable to a guide who's looking to let you shine.

    Greatness Get Coached!


    Great people - who have a coach - become greater.


    It's Guaranteed. Why should you be any different?


    Let's speak, to see if it would be a great fit to work together.


  • Yes, I Can Guide You Too...

    Maximize your best fundraising success

    Are you an Executive Director or have your own mosad?


    If one of your roles is fundraising, and it's hard to keep up, let alone break through to the next level, then HighRaise 1:1 is for you...

    Starting or running a major capital campaign?


    There is so much riding on getting it right. Capital Campaign Mastery 1:1 coaching will guide you in this one time opportunity...

    Made a new fundraising hire? Are you new to fundraising?


    'Kickstarter' 1:1 coaching fast tracks a new fundraising hires to raise their first $100,000+...


    Need to take your Online Campaign to the next level?



    Online campaigns outcomes are not what they were. Since 2014 Avraham has led the way. If you want to secure your succcess...

    Private 24/6 WhatsApp Access to Avraham



    You've valuable fundraising opportunites you need to get right? Do you need a pro to interact with, without the coaching?

  • Here’s what clients are saying;

    Rabbi Menachem Deutsch, Founder, Olami Launch

    "There's no way I could raise the money I need to fund my organization without the guidance that Avraham is giving me."

    Rabbi Yitzchok Krausz, Executive Vice President, Cheder D’ Monsey

    "Avraham's organized mehalech in the world of fundraising assures that no balls are dropped and that each and every opportunity is maximized."


    Rabbi Raphael Landesman, Shearim Torah High, Phoenix

    "Avraham truly took us ‘to the next level’ of donor development, and helped make our dream of a new building come true. He will do the same for you."

  • How It Works

    To Start Raising More - This is what you need to do


    Schedule a call



    See if it's a fit to

    work together



    Start raising more. Guaranteed

  • A Sprinkling of Our Happy Clients

    Know anyone on this list?

    Reach out to them. See what they have to say!

  •  Avraham's Story...

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    Hi! I'm Avraham Lewis and over the last decade, I've become the go-to guide for leaders of mosdos Torah, helping them not just meet, but exceed their fundraising expectations.


    Why? To make a monumental impact on Klal Yisroel.


    Back in the day, I was right there in the trenches, fundraising for mosdos Torah. While doing this I developed a fundraising system that helped me succeed.


    Fast forward, now I'm sharing that secret sauce, transforming leaders from overwhelmed executive directors to confident trailblazers with my HighRaise™ system.


    And the stats? Over 175+ Jewish leaders have managed to fast track their fundraising goals using this system.


    Along the way, mosdos I've worked with have raised $100's of millions in their - online, capital and annual fundraising.


    My weekly blog is a treasure trove, guiding a whopping thousand plus Jewish leaders globally.


    Plus, I've been the featured speaker at EDN and Presidents Conference and Conference of European Rabbis.


    Born and raised in London, (that's in England 😊) I earned my stripes with a business degree from Manchester Business School, then spent six life changing years at Aish HaTorah.


    For the last 20 years, home has been in Ramat Beit Shemesh, where I help mosdos globally make their biggest difference in Klal Yisroel!

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  • Check out the weekly blog posts...

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  • Let's Connect?

    If you want to raise more funds, guaranteed, then let's speak.

    Shoot me an email - avraham@avrahamlewis.com

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